Blinding 2 textures in to one.

                                                                     By rickyD

Open the texture maker program.

We wont be making maps that are bigger then 256x256 for re-volt.

So we can use the free version.  

Open the program.

Load the maps you want to blend.

I have open imagesg and catfishe bmp files from the tracks.

Now I want to put grass sides on the images map.

Select the catfish map as the sorce file.

Now select the images map so it is active.

Pick the functions button to the makeseamles button to get to the tile button like above.

Now pick the side you want to do first.

Click the functions button and select engage.

Now we have the right side grass.

Select the left side and repeat.

And now we have a nice looking road map for owr track.

That's how easy it is.